Photo of Favio Caraguay United States

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CARAGUAY, His artistic proposal investigates the search for a new era that he calls RUNACENO, reflecting on issues such as the Anthropocene and its problems such as global warming, pandemics, gender equity racisms and "natural phenomena". Problems that he addresses in his artistic proposal DIFFERENTLY RESONATING ART, in which he uses ritual art and the geometry of nature to correct, harmonize and analyze human existence from the philosophical perspective and Andean geometry. Embracing difference as an important element for the complementarity and co-creation of life in multiple dimensions,

Exhibitions carried out

  • 2020, Portraying survive. Guayaquil
  • 2020, Quarantined art. Quito
  • 2019, Uyuyta Suyuchig. Chicago
  • 2019, Guayasamin Vive. Madrid
  • 2019, Sketch. Q´gallery. USFQ. QUITO
  • 2018, Arte Indigena Contemporaneo. Cuenca
  • 2018, Waka Arte Actual Flacso. Quito

Awards received

  • 2017, recognition of artistic merit Eduardo Kingman Riofrío.

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  • Payments are made online, through Artelista's secure system. Click on the "Add to cart" button and select the payment method you prefer.
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See everything we offer you!
23.62 x 17.72 in
35.43 x 35.43 in
39.37 x 17.72 in
47.24 x 23.62 in

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Photo of Favio Caraguay United States

Favio Caraguay. Master in Art Studies, Expert in Art and Anthropology at the University of Cuenca 2017.

His art and research proposal has allowed him to receive important achievements such as the “Eduardo Kingman Riofrío” award for artistic merit; He was awarded the distinction “Plumas de oro” for having successfully represented Ecuador in different international competitions.

In recent years, he has participated in important international and national exhibitions in: Florida, Arequipa, Madrid, Malaga, Chicago, Venice, Paris, Lima, Piura, Quito, Guayaquil, Cuenca and Loja. He works as a professor at the Faculty of Contemporary Arts at the San Francisco de Quito University.

His artistic proposal investigates the search for a new era that he calls RUNACENO, reflecting on issues such as the Anthropocene and its problems such as global warming, pandemics, gender equity racisms and "natural phenomena". Problems that he addresses in his artistic proposal VIBRATING with ART DIFFERENTLY, in which he uses ritual art and the geometry of nature to correct, harmonize and analyze human existence from the philosophical perspective and Andean geometry. Embracing difference as an important element for the complementarity and co-creation of life in multiple dimensions

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